Play School (1.5 to 2.5yrs)

Coteries are gatherings of companions, however not all gatherings of companions are clubs. What makes a gathering a coterie is that they forget about certain children intentionally. They structure bunches that they will not allow different children to have a place with. Once in a while kids in the club are mean to kids they believe are outwardly. Typically a couple of well known children control who will be in the coterie and who gets forgotten about.

Junior Kids (2.5 to 3.5 yrs)

Junior Playgroup program is intended for kids upto 2.5 years old gathering. The total program has been intended to give a total fun based learning climate. We unequivocally accept that at playgroup level, learning ought to be about delight, fun and not tied in with following some normalized educational plan. The playgroup program likewise addresses the everyday. which are instilled in the youngster directly all along.

Senior Kids (3.5yrs to 4.5yrs)

Senior Kids program is intended for 3+ to 4.5 years age bunch youngsters. The LKG program incorporates different exercises, that supports the different subjects with sufficient freedoms for active experience. In the program, the youngsters are occupied with school preparation exercises like perusing, composing, tallying, number acknowledgment and critical thinking in a sensational however deliberate way, which invigorates sidelong intuition as well as gives an involved learning on different parts of the educational plan.

Super Senior School (4.5yrs to 5.5yrs)

Super Senior School (4.5yrs to 5.5yrs) inner circle is intended for 2+ to 3 years age bunch youngsters. The whole educational plan of Nursery program has been planned following quite a while of meticulously research and has been made by top specialists in the field of kid brain science. In the program, the youngsters are occupied with school status exercises like perusing, composing, checking, number acknowledgment and critical thinking in a thrilling however intentional way, which animates sidelong deduction as well as gives a hands on learning on different parts of educational plan.

Montessori Teachers Training (Infant to 2yrs)

Montessori Teachers Training (Infant to 2yrs) program is meant for children upto 2.5 years of age group. The complete program has been designed to provide a complete fun based learning environment. We strongly believe that at playgroup level, learning should be about enjoyment, fun and not about following some standardized curriculum. The playgroup program also touches upon the day to day etiquettes which are inculcated in the child right from the beginning.